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Fishing enthusiasts take advantage of Brunswick’s superb location at the mouth of the Grand River and its confluence with the Missouri River. Brunswick – through its easy access to the Grand River – hosts two annual catfishing tournaments, with a local supply of bait readily available.

According to the Missouri Department of Conservation, “Large catfish are caught throughout the river; however, the lower Grand is generally considered trophy waters.”

Game and Fish online magazine calls out Brunswick and, in an article entitled Best Catfishing in Missouri, seconds the opinion by describing that the Grand River outshines other rivers:

First and foremost, the Grand’s channel and flathead catfisheries are thriving from the point where the river enters the state in Worth County to where it empties into the Missouri River near Brunswick. Blue catfish purists can get in their licks from the Bosworth Access downstream.


The Grand River also earns an “A” for accessibility. MDC Access Points, many of which have boat ramps, are scattered along the river. In addition, dozens of highway bridge rights-of-way provide walk-in access to the public portion of the river (the river itself and the bank up to the “normal” high water mark.)

Finally, somewhere along its length, the Grand River has water that’s ideal for a gunnysack full of catfishing tactics. Wading is popular, and very successful in the upper river; it’s also a good approach for setting bank poles and trotlines. Most catfishermen who enjoy getting into the river with the fish are after channel cats, but wading is a good choice for those who prefer battling flatheads in close quarters.

In all but the driest months, canoes and other types of car topper-class boats can be used on the upper river. They’re joined by outboard-powered, flat-bottomed boats from Chillicothe downstream. Big-river boats can ply the lower Grand River from its mouth to a few miles south of the Bosworth Access. (Warning: Submerged logs lie in wait for unwary boaters everywhere on the Grand River.)

Brunswick Access at the Grand River

The Grand River flows into the Missouri River near Brunswick, Missouri at Missouri River Mile 250.

Grand River Access
Highway 24 and Polk Street
Drive one block south
Brunswick, MO 65236

Bait Shops

For local bait shops, visit the Bait & Tackle section of our Shopping & Business Directory.


Local Fish Species

The information below is cited directly from

Channel Catfish

Channel catfish are the most sought after species along the river. Any type of structure or deep hole will attract channel catfish, and anglers are often rewarded with a nice stringer of fish. Crayfish, cutbaits, night crawlers, or commercially prepared baits should be effective. Channel catfish are caught throughout the year all along the river.

Channel Catfish photo, courtesy of Pixabay
Flathead Catfish

This predator lurks in deep holes along the river. Holes that have logjams or other types of woody debris can hold fish larger than 50 pounds. Anglers fishing for flatheads need stout tackle and live bait such as goldfish, carp, green sunfish and bullheads. Spring and fall are usually the best times to catch large flathead catfish. The lower Grand (below Sumner) is usually considered trophy water.

Flathead Catfish photo by Jim Rathert, courtesy Missouri Department of Conservation
Blue Catfish

No fish gathers more attention along the river than a large blue catfish. Cut baits fished in deep holes provide the opportunity to catch a truly large fish. These fish, also known as “white cats” can grow to over 70 pounds.

Walleye | Grand River in Missouri
Blue Catfish photo by Jim Rathert, courtesy Missouri Department of Conservation

In June 2000, the Missouri Department of Conservation began a program to increase walleye fishing opportunities in Grand River.

Walleye | Grand River in Missouri
Walleye photo, courtesy Missouri Department of Conservation

Some fishing opportunities exist for paddlefish in the vicinity of Brunswick Access. Numerous small paddlefish move in and out of the lower Grand. Snaggers should be prepared to catch several sub-legal fish before catching a “keeper”.

Paddlefish | Grand River in Missouri
Paddlefish photo, courtesy Missouri Department of Conservation

Chariton County Public Fishing Access

In addition to the Grand River, if you’d like to fish in additional locations in Chariton County, Missouri, recommends these public fishing access points.

Dalton Bottoms Access to Missouri River

  • 5 miles south of Dalton to the end of Route J
  • East 1.5 miles on Namrash Road to the area entrance


Maxwell Taylor Park Pond

  • At Junction Hwy 24 and Hwy 5 in Keytesville go north on Hwy 5 for three city blocks
  • Turn left on Vandiver Avenue and continue to the city park


Little Chariton River – Lewis Mill Access

  • Travel north of Glasgow on Hwy 5 for 1.5 miles
  • Turn left and go 1.5 miles on Hwy KK
  • Turn left south on Lewis Mill Lane to area entrance


Marceline City Lake (174-Acres)

  • Travel 3 miles south of Marceline on Hwy 5
  • Turn right and go 3 miles west on Route E to Marceline Lake Avenue
  • Turn right and go one mile north to the lake


Chariton River at Price Bridge Access  (0.7 miles of public fishing access)

  • At Hwy 24 and KK junction, travel two miles south on Hwy KK
  • At Hwy VV, turn right and travel west 2 miles to the area entrance


Pine Ridge Lake (25 Acres) Potts Memorial Park in Salisbury

  • At Hwy 24, turn right onto Hwy 129
  • Go 2 miles south to Potts Park Road


Sterling Price Community Lake

  • Travel 1.5 miles west of Salisbury on Hwy 24
  • Turn left on Sterling Avenue and go south .75 mile
  • Turn right onto South Lake Lane and drive west to the lake


Grand River at Sumner Access

  • From Sumner, take Hwy 139 west 2 miles to Grand River Bridge


Yellow Creek Conservation Area  –  4 Miles of Access to Elk and Yellow Creeks

  • Travel one mile south of Sumner on Route RA
  • Turn right on Hog Ridge Avenue and drive west
  • Turn left to go south 3.5 miles to the area entrance
